PCL recovery

Hopefully when this shapes up into something, it will help other people going through a similar surgery... not much out there on PCL's, and I think there should be.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 8.. same old

Nothing particularly special today. Still having burning/pain in the incision under the tibia, swelling has gone way down. I was actually surprised with how little swelling and virtually no bruising that there is. I'll take a picture tomorrow after I get the stitches removed, right now it's too much work to roll up my pant leg, but you can take my word for it, swelling has gone down. My quads have also atrophied pretty quickly I think. I know where the straps were velcroed right after the surgery, and now, it's much smaller. 

My best friend came over yesterday, she got married a few weeks ago, I was the maid of honor, and I got to see her honeymoon pictures. We played Price is Right, ordered sushi, had a very nice time. And then today, my boyfriend came over all day. I sorta taught him how to cook... we had these frozen ribs in the freezer, already cooked and seasoned, so I showed him how to use an oven and he managed to put the ribs in the oven, and then we made Rice a Roni, and he listened to my orders very well. I love him, but cooking is not his strong suit, what he did today was the most cooking he's done in his entire life. Still, it's nice having the help and the company. 

I wonder what would happen if I tried to put some weight on my leg. I haven't yet, but I've had remarkably little pain, so it's very tempting to try. I was having more pain before the surgery than I do now. In some sense, that actually makes me worried, because I feel like from what I've heard from everyone else, I should be in an insane amount of pain, and the fact that I'm not makes me think either I had a great surgeon, or that somehow something went wrong with the graft and that's why it doesn't hurt, or that G-d forbid some nerve was severed and that's why I don't feel pain. I don't really think its the last one, because I can still feel my knee, although parts of it seem more tingly than the rest of my leg, but I suspect that's normal and it's been improving daily. Guess only time will tell, and I may be kicking myself in a few weeks when I'm doubled over in pain. But right now, I could probably sell my Percocet on the street and take home a good amount (not that I would though). 

Just adding this picture as proof that I did once ice skate, and I like to think that I will one day be skating again.


  1. DOOOOOON'T put weight on your leg! :) I know it is tempting, particularly with that sturdy brace. But your leg is already super weak...you don't want to risk activating your hamstring and stretching your graph. And you really don't want to fall over either!

    That's fantastic you don't have much pain. My knee still hurts, but I think a lot of it is arthritis.

  2. It sucks that your knee still hurts. Are they sure it's arthritis? I know the xrays I had preop showed some early arthritis, so I'm hoping to avoid making it worse.
